AR Chat Friend Privacy policy

(This privacy policy is for version2. version1 privacy policy is here .)

1. Handling of Data for Services Providing AI Functions

This application uses Azure OpenAI or OpenAI API to utilize AI functions.

(a) Azure OpenAI

At the time of subscription, this application uses the Azure OpenAI service, and the data handling of the Azure OpenAI service is subject to the privacy policy of the Azure OpenAI service.
The privacy policy of Azure OpenAI service
This application communicates with the Azure OpenAI service via an authentication server dedicated to this application. The authentication server dedicated to this application does not record any data regarding application usage.

(b) OpenAI API

When not using a subscription, this application uses the OpenAI API using the OpenAI API key entered into this application by the user. (This app communicates directly with the OpenAI API). The OpenAI API's data handling is subject to the OpenAI API's privacy policy.
When using subscription, the user can also use OpenAI API by entering the OpenAI API key into this app and selecting an AI model other than subscription (the model with the OpenAI icon). (This application communicates directly with the OpenAI API.)
The privacy policy of OpenAI and OpenAI API
Handling of API Key
The API key entered into this application is saved in encrypted format only in the configuration file of this application inside the device.

2. Handling of speech recognition data

This application uses iPhone/Android's voice recognition service. (Developed using iPhone/Android API) The privacy policy regarding the iPhone's voice recognition complies with the privacy policy of the provider, Apple. The privacy policy regarding Android's voice recognition complies with the privacy policy of Google, the provider.

3. Handling of Speech Synthesis Data

This application uses iPhone/Android's speech synthesis service. The privacy policy regarding the iPhone's speech synthesis complies with the privacy policy of the provider, Apple. The privacy policy regarding Android's speech synthesis complies with the privacy policy of the provider, Google.

4. About Unity Analytics

This application was developed using Unity, but does not use Unity Analytics.
Last update: 2024/5/8